True Stories

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18 Jul Health Canada Rules Require Liam McKnight, Child With Epilepsy, To Smoke Marijuana


Liam McKnight was nine months old when he had his first seizure.

The six-year-old, who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy called Dravet syndrome, experienced dozens of seizures per day – until he started using marijuana oil for treatment.


“It’s just giving him an opportunity to live, to not just be home seizing,” Liam’s mother Mandy McKnight told The Telegram.


Although finding a doctor who would prescribe Liam medical marijuana took a cross-Canada search, Liam received a license to use marijuana for his treatment at age five. Since then, he’s taken a small amount of the oil at bedtime every night.



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18 Jun Woman Uses Raw Cannabis Juice In Place of 40 Medications

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by Elizabeth Renter


More and more we are beginning to understand that marijuana is far more than a street-level ‘drug’. In fact, research shows that it’s a healing plant — and it doesn’t have to get you high. And as we learn more about this healing plant, we learn there are really a multitude of uses and methods to obtaining its benefits.


One of the latest methods of reaping its benefits is juicing, as one woman learned the hard way.


Juicing is a great way to get the best stuff out of plant materials. It makes digestion easy and allows your body to really make the most of what you put into it. So, it stands to reason that many of the benefits associated with smoking, vaporizing, or eating cannabis could be enhanced through juicing.


High-aside, some argue juicing raw cannabis to be the most beneficial, and it does all of this without getting users stoned. Raw cannabis is not psychoactive. The beneficial compounds within are known as cannabidiols (CBD) and they are not the THC responsible for getting you high.

